Friday, October 10, 2003

I'm back at the radio station for 1/2 day today and Monday.

Let's see - what has happened in my life in the past week. We went out to dinner (on the radio station) last Friday night and had a great time while baby slept. Weekend weather was questionable, so didn't do a whole lot. Went to Grips house for dinner Saturday night. Blixx was telling a story and Cass laughed for the first time!!!! We were gunna watch a movie but by the time V was out of the bath it was almost 10pm and we had to get the baby back home to get into the sack, as we're trying to get her on a kind of twisted schedule. Yeah right. Sunday we stayed in our PJ's all day and watched the Patriot's game and ate fried cheese. I made brownies and we just cuddled up indoors watching Boston sports teams kick ass. I hate baseball, but I am glad that the Sox are looking good, as it improves the mood in the entire state. Monday and Tuesday we ran errands and did stuff around the house. Wednesday my mother came up for a visit and drove me nuts. Yesterday I took Cass to Wells State Park and walked around the camp site areas for the day. I took some great pictures of her in the woods. I got a great workout walking the paved roadways with the stroller.

Cass is sleeping 6-7 hours at a time now, and we gave her some rice cereal the other day. She's been watching us eat with interest for some time so I figured what the heck. She seemed to enjoy the experience so we'll try again one of these days.

My mother let the baby fall off the couch the other day. Yeah, she leaned her up on a (silk = slick) pillow then looked away. She rolled right off. Luckily my mom was able to catch her with her legs to absorb most of the impact, but there was still a great deal of crying and carrying on...the baby is fine, but my trust in my mother is out the window. Ok, so I never did get that trust. I've got reservations about leaving her alone with her sad is that?

Blixx dropped her again today. He had her in a blanket like a hammock carrying her around and she slipped out onto the bathmat. Again, there was crying but she's ok. We should probably stop with the head dropping or she's gunna be not quite right.

She's getting so big...I really can't say enough about her. Still gotta figure out that picture thing so I can share her beauty with the world.

Nightskye sent me an e-mail, which was cool, except that for some reason I can't reply cuz his address is blocked. Hmmm.

Gunna head down to CT to watch the football game with Tempest & Purge this Sunday and I'm really looking forward to it. Of course, the Pats are going to win.

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