Monday, July 10, 2006

Estrogen Weekend

I had a positively lovely weekend in CT with Tempest. I arrived at around 1pm so we farted around the house for a while, then headed downtown Guilford for some shop therapy at Vera Wolf. I got my peridot ring replaced, a pearl ring that Tempest picked out that was just what I've been looking for & some other little things. She got a beautiful necklace & earlings set. Hehe it's fun to be bad. We then grabbed a sandwich & iced cappuchino & headed for the docks. Her dad wasn't there to take us out on the boat, but we did sit and enjoy the sea air while we had lunch & caught up a bit. We then clustered out to North Haven & visited Jacknife, who was crampy. After a yummy chinese food dinner (dammit, I left the leftovers in CT) we went to bother Purge & Nightskye at Cue & Brew, an interesting spot to say the least. Mmmm pitcher of Harpoon Summer Ale says what? Then we headed to Nightsky's new apartment to wait for crampy to get out of work. We then demanded that Nightskye drive us anywhere in his convertable.

Oh my goodness, what an exhilarating ride!! I'd forgotten how he drives...and that he has no idea at all where the break is, or that some people actually use their turn signal to switch lanes. Listening to GnR turned up way loud, smokin butts and singing along we ended up at Krispy Kreme for more coffee, then back to his place to watch some ultimate fighting championships, which they had ordered on pay per view. Once Jacknife got out of work, we headed back to Tempest's & watched season 1 of LOST & some wine.

LOST SIDEBAR - I found the relationship between Micheal & Walt quite interesting, especially where we end up in Season2. Lock's faith in the island has been strong since the beginning. I'd wondered why Sawyer (yummy yummy yummy)did some of the things he did in season 2, but then I watched where Jack & Sayid tortured him for the medicine & I was all like 'oh yaaaaa!' Charlie was completely harmless after he quit the smack & was offering true friendship to is he now suffering from 'the sickness?'

I slept, with Tish's help of course, until almost 11am which was lovely beyond measure. We didn't have enough energy to make coffee for ourselves, so we went to DuDo's then over to Jacknife's pool. I floated & floated & refused to get out until I felt myself approaching extra crispy. Jacknife went to work at 2:30 & we were all like, 'See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" and went back to lazing. Her family is so wonderful, they were worried they didn't have enough to offer us by way of food & drinks. It's been 30 years for christ sakes, if we're hungry we'll just go in the need for pretenses, but whatever. We skipped going to Dead Man's Chest, mainly because by the time I hauled my ass out of the water we would have had to rush & neither of us were in the mood to rush to anything.

Back to Tempests where I grabbed a shower & she watched more LOST. I did my toenails & read some more cheesy sci-fi romance, then off to Nightsky's again. Jacknife bagged out on dinner for some reason, so the four of us took the convertable (suprise? no) to Pasta Fair, which was sub standard, but the company was first rate. I grabbed a final beer then hit the road.

I strolled in at around midnight & Blixx was already in bed. I hear tell that he had an early call time for work today. I spoke to my gf Tee who had him over for a kiddie bday party, & she gave me some insight on what he said & how he acted. Not posting it here, as it's heresay, but I'm thinkin it's gunna be a long ass night tonight. I'm sick of drama.

Friday, July 07, 2006

An Adventure

There was an embarrasing amount of marrital discourd between Blixx & I over stupid shit while we were camping last weekend. I really dont' think we're camping with the group again. We just can't take it. He can't share his stuff, he looses everything and somehow it's our fault, so we make sarcastic comments which make it worse. Going to 6 Flaggs he was pissed off at me, the world, everything even before we walked into the park. He was yelling or ranting or taking off all weekend and made it uncomfortable for everyone. I sulked or cried or tried to talk, only to get my head bitten off...again. It was so hard for me to have fun - I was just so unbelievably sad and tense the whole time. I really wished we had taken 2 cars so I could send him home and have some fun with people I like hanging around with.

I didn't get home until after 11pm (he waited until everyone else had gone before even starting to break down camp)and the whole ride (2 hours) he spent telling me what he wants and how people should treat him with respect and what he needs. No room for me or my needs at all. Now, he hasn't slept a decent night sleep since we arrived and it's hot and he just re-loaded the car all by himself cuz he's a martyr, so I just let him go off and tried not to let him notice the tears.

Next day, more of the same. It was a big rehash of everything that went wrong. He came to me as I was doing dishes and off handed said to me that he didn't want to make me cow tow to him. That was it. BULLSHIT he doesn't. We had it out and I yelled that he's been treating me like shit for years and I'm just not taking it anymore. He wants respect? Try handing it out once in a while. There was more to it, or less. I don't know. I was just sick of hearing what he wants and thought he should listen to me for a change.

I ended up taking a nice drive for myself and reading Girls Guide to Vampires at a local lake while I cooled down. We talked a little more in the evening and I know he gets where I'm coming from, because he put it in terms I know he understands. He treats me like a Production Assistant on a shoot - someone to dump shit on who doesn't know her ass from her elbow. He apologized and has been trying to be better. It helps he's working again so he isn't around most of the day, then I went out last night so I guess avoiding each other is key to making my marriage work.

I'm supposed to go away this weekend, but he's working late tonight and took a job for Sunday, so I guess my need to escape just won't happen quite yet. If I don't get to go to Tempest's estrogen weekend, perhaps I'll take the kayak out on Saturday. Or I'll meet Tempest at the mall. Something. Anything. I need to get away and allow myself to relax. And Blixx could use some quality time with Cass.

Just last week everything was looking so good with us. I mean really looking up. I hate that I reflect his moods so much, like I can't be happy if he isn't.

And it's not like I can go anywhere, there's Cass to think about.

Fourth of July Camping Pictures

Our little speed demon is all about riding bikes with her big girl bestest friend Toria.
The town beach in Lee was wonderful. The kids had a terrific time together & Cass is SO not afraid of the water. She just runs in and pretends to swim. I got her floating for a while so she's pretty much teaching herself to swim.
Pigs & Pigs. We went to 6Flaggs on the 3rd (thanks to Birdgirl)and security was really tight. The wouldn't let me bring in my spray on sunscrean...cuz I'm a threat to national security. Ya right. This just struck me as funny and made me wonder who's playing dress up.
We closed out the park, but Cass checked out during the fireworks display. We hauled her in the wagon over cobblestones in huge loud crowds and she barely flinched. Muffin had a long ass weekend.
The car was absolutely positively loaded to the gills. The kayaks were jammed full, and that's a wagon on top of that. I had stuff under my legs in the passenger seat. Cass had pillows all around her, protecting her from all our crap. We just don't know how to pack light, but at least we fit everything into one car.