Thursday, March 20, 2003

I'm beat today for some reason. I went up to bed at like 10:30 last night, intendign to read and nod off, but Grips called several times after 11 to discuss how he was drunk, it was his birthday & we are at war. They are calling this the Gulf War 2...ummm, can't we come up with something a little better than that?

We've got our neighborhood meeting tonight at 6:30. I'm hoping that our next door neighbor shows up so we can discuss how he was supposed to move all (shyt, even SOME) of the junk cars & boats off his property before 'the holidays.' The trucks he has parked on the street block my view as I back out of the driveway, and I almost got clipped again this am. I am extra sick of looking at all the crap he has in his yard. The house across the street from him has been for sale for almost a year with no takers, I believe in part to the less than scenic junkyard view they have across the st. I mean, I live on a city street in a row of moderate sized homes, nothing flashy or special, but lots of families and folks who care about their yards...then there is this sore thumb guy who cares NOT! Yeah, hormonal pregnant lady on a tear..he's screwed. I've printed out some info on donating vehicles to charities for tax deductions...that should motivate! Other than that, these meetings tend to drone on & on. Blixx will once again be absent, since he's working today.

Blixx working is a good thing, don't get me wrong. He was looking at having all of this week booked for a while there, but then that job got postponed. I've been on the look out for employment oportunities, even part time for him, but I don't think he's followed up on anything. I keep trying, but he just won't motivate to take growing his business seriously. I'm a little frustrated with his lack of motivation, but this he already knows. Perhaps some hormonal rage will do the trick.

Mmmmm chocolate.

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