Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Still alive & kicking. Ok, so it's the baby kicking. Actually, it's more like she's doing the Riverdance in there. Quite difficult to sleep through, that and the fact that rolling over in bed has now become a major production number. Oh, how I long for the bliss of sleeping on my tummy again. I'm feeling good all around, except for the not sleeping at night thing. Exhaustion wears me out after a couple of nights, so I do sleep, just not as much as I would like.

Nanny isn't doing well at all, so I'm coming to CT to visit her on either Thursday or Friday this week. My mom worries that I shouldn't drive. I've got a month to go and I feel fine, so I'm pretty sure that I don't need her to come up here & pick me up...like I want to spend time trapped in a car with her. Childhood trauma!

The baby shower was awesome and not at all the affair I had been dreading. JoJo came with her Hoochie Mamma sister and her youngest Jaydah, who is an angel. Jo makes some damn cute babies! Bex was there from my former employer, and Rox even showed up with her girls. And scarey Rita, who gave us a beautiful hand made baby blanket! Wow. My mom saved some of my baby clothes, including a Holly Hobby dress, and my old baby blanket and gave those to us. Tempest and Jacknife went all out on gifts, too many to mention them all, but they were a hit with the clothesline of baby clothes. I just love baby clothes...so little and pink and cute.

Yep, I'm turning into a girlie girl. Be afraid.

Mother's day is a bbq here at our house with both of our moms, as well as Grips and the whole clan, since they usually host every holiday we thought to give them a break. Now it's just getting the yard in shape to have folks over and praying for good weather so we won't all be jammed inside. I'm actually looking forward to playing hostess with the mostest.

X-2 was in fact quite awesome. Blixx & I saw it Friday afternoon on a date. I had thought it would get more into the whole Wolverine history with Stryker...no real details there. I mean, I know how the story goes - after 'dating' two comic officianado's in a row in the mid 90's - but I thought there would be more depth to that storyline in the movie. I'm also quite sure that more motivational plot should have been included in Pyro's journey to the dark side. There was definately more action and I did enjoy Nightcrawler (accent was a bit sketchy in places but hey) and I agree that there should have been more Colossus. In other news, I ate a whole LARGE popcorn...that big ass bag that it takes 2 hands to lift....yep, it went in my belly. I mean, Blixx had some I suppose, but it was mostly me. Popcorn is low carb so it qualifies as a food that I can eat 'free.'

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