Thursday, February 26, 2004

Greetings all! I've been working on our taxes and trying to get Blixx's business records in line. No luck on the working at home angle. All the web sites are for 'business opportunities' which means I need investment capital, which we don't have.. There was a promising jewelry company, but they need $600 to but the display products - besides, the jewelry isn't all that nice. I got a sample bracelet - remind me to show it to Tempest, cuz she'd definately be my best customer.

Cass is wonderful. She sits up all by herself now, with the rare falling over. She is eating anything and everything, including cat hair, paper towels & the remote. Bad baby. She's definately going through a growth spirt where she needs to eat almost constantly. Hey, most nights she sleeps all the way from 10pm to 7am ish. This morning I heard her moving around in the crib, but since it wasn't an emergency I didn't get up. She let me go back to sleep until a little past 8 - god love her!
Blixx has her right now, out getting the Jeep washed. I look forward to hearing her reaction to the car wash. She can roll herself over by herself too, and shows signs of being able to pull herself up to standing, which means we'll be lowering the crib mattress and that we can never ever even for a second leave her alone again or she's bound to get into trouble.

Hey, Purge never answered my questions. Was it something I said?

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