Thursday, September 22, 2005

Pee Pee & other news

CASSIDY WENT PEE PEE ON THE POTTY!!! Yep, my litte girl has made it to the potty. It's not an every day thing, hell not an all the time thing either. But every night before bed or bath she gets naked time and sure enough she went in her potty. Funny thing is that it hasn't happened when I'm in the room with her. I need to leave her alone a minute or two and she does just fine. I had no idea the being pee shy was genetic, but I guess she gets it from her father.

My birthday was lovely. I didn't change a single diaper, Cass decorated my birthday card and I ate like no tomorrow. After a yummy omlet breakfast my Mom & her Dick came up and took us out to lunch. I was bummed that Outback didn't open until 3pm, but we went to a local joint that made a darn good chicken piccata. Then we headed to Grip's to meet his family, as well as Rox and her clan to celebrate V's 6th birthday. Man, there were a lot of little ones rolling around screeching. I was exhausted just watching them in the dress up parade! There was a big thunderstorm/torential rain storm that I appreciated. Cass was so tired taking her out of the car that she didn't even wake up in the downpour! Grips came over later on and I drank a tad too much wine then passed out. Blixx had wanted to take me to a hotel or something to celebrate the big 35, but Mother Nature cursed me so it wa a no go. I have taken a rain check to be sure. Sunday we didn't leave the house, other than to take a walk around the neighborhood before the game. It was a nice lazy day. I even managed to finish reading Angels & Demons, which I liked more than the DaVinci Code.

As for gifts, Blixx got me a windproof lighter for kayaking, as well as a new drybag and a super soaker towel. He also did a photobooth picture with Cass that was sweet and was an all around nice guy all day. Woo Hoo! Tempest sent me the most beautiful dragonfly earings that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. My mom bought me the new kayak, as well as some yummy new satin pajamas. I'm heading to Bath & Bodyworks this weekend to pick myself up some Sandlewood Rose bath as my gift to myself.

Speaking of this weekend, Blixx (as well as Grips, Toad & Birdgirl)is once again participating in the Greenway Challenge. He's kayaking 4 miles. To put that in perspective, when we ladies went kayaking in the Berkshires, that was about 2 miles and we certainly weren't in a race! I'm a driver, making sure that the guys and the kayak are where they are supposed to be. So tomorrow night there's a pasta dinner for everyone that Toad & Blixx can't attend (working late) so I'm going with Grips and Preacher, who is our teams other driver. Of course I'm only going if Cass is allowed to go with me, unless I get Teacher to watch the kid. We'll see on that one.

Then Saturday morning we're dropping off the kayak, meeting at the starting line and the race begins. At the end of the race there's a big BBQ with a band that should be fun too. It'll be fun but it's a long day for Cass in the car so it should be interesting to see how she does. Sunday we're going to Kidsfest at Wachusett Mountain with Grips & family. Then I imagine we'll be back at the house right around 4:15 to see the Patriots play the Steelers. Let's hope special teams has it's head out of it's ass and the defence made the plane or it's gunna be another disappointing game.

I've been working from home for the radio station, doing research and lead generation. It's not hard, but I find it difficult to manage being Mom, wife, cleaninglady and also work. Hehehe. Something always suffers. You want clean laundry, well then we order out for dinner. Want a hot meal, then there's no clean dishes to eat it off of. Hehe.

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