Saturday, June 14, 2003

Baby is well - judging from ultrasound she's got my nose, big feet, and weighs approx 8lbs.
Mama on the other hand...I've been blessed for the most part for the pregnancy with little complaints. Now, my blood pressure is of some concern to the doctors so they are running some tests. Here's the kicker - I've got to 'collect' my pee in a jug (provided at much cost from the hospital, thank you) all day today. Each and every time I go - and that's often - it goes in this jar that does NOT fit conveniently in the toilet bowl. Not that I can really reach my coochie anyway. It's been a nightmare of balancing over the bowl, trying not to sprinkle everywhere and actually get some in the intended target! It's degrading and I don't see how it can make much difference, since I'm getting induced on Tuesday anyway. Geeze. They are testing for protiens in the pee that could mean that I have to be further medicated during delivery to avoid hypertension. What a way to make my blood pressure go down...pee into this! Other than that latest trauma, I'm just all over tired and round as round can be. I'm just about ready to get this kid out of me.

Which is good, since I'll be a mom in 4 days or less.

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