Monday, June 02, 2003

Tempest's blog had me almost pee my pants.

Ok, so according to the latest ultrasound the baby is already like 7 lbs, so it seems that induced labor is likely. I am literally FULL of baby, which means that I can't eat too much in one sitting (which I make up for by eating 12 times a day) and that I now pee more than Jacknife during a Monopoly game. MY belly actually rolls with knees and elbows when the baby moves around. We took a childbirth class all day on Saturday - not increadibly useful, but I did manage to learn some stuff. I also learned that I am indead carrying 'small' compaired to the rest of the world. Imagine being the smallest bus in the whole parking lot...that's about how I feel. If we're scheduling the birth date, I'll be sure to let you all know when the big day is going to be. Blixx has a 4 day job offer next week, and wants us to schedule around it. I don't think he gets that they are inducing me to save me & the baby trauma during birth, rather than just a matter of convenience.

There's still so much to do to get ready for our little girl. Oh yeah, it's definately a girl. Because of the diabetes, they will be doing ultrasounds on me right up until birth to check the baby's health and size. I had the tech 'check under the hood' again just to be sure.

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