Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Afternoon Delights

Hiya all! I haven't had a whole lot of time to blog lately, due to the beautiful weather & my desire to be out & enjoy it. I've managed to loose 8 lbs over the past three weeks by just getting off my ass as much as possible. I'm pretty proud. I even do sit ups every now & again. Nope, not even shitting you.

Granted the diet went out the window this weekend while down in CT. Tempest picked up some truly delicious brieosh (my spelling sucks, sue me) so I had a couple pieces of that. Then we went to Dino's & I had a HUGE portion of friend clams. Bacon & eggs for breakfast too. Yeah, not the most nutricius choices but yeah, ya gotta live a little right? Good thing I don't eat like that every day.

Blixx went camping over the weekend & called on Sunday to say he was staying an extra night. Now, this wasn't exactly unexpected news, but the tone of his voice on the pphone & the fact that he didnt' ask, just assumed it would be ok...I was 52 flavors of pissed. Just out of my tree mad. Borderline irrational. Yep, hard to believe. So Monday when he came home, we ate dinner then I left. In fact, I left at right about the time he was complaining about Grips showing up late on Sat & leaving early on Sun, all because he had family obligations. I really couldn't stand to hear him bitch when Grips priorioty was his family, which is where I hope Blixx's will be one day. Did I mention that I was irrationally pissed?

So I left & went shopping for a new bra or two, since Cass broke myh absolute favorite on by hanging off it. Got back just after she went to bed & Blixx & I sat & talked for hours about what's been going on with us, with me, with our family. No quick fixes but we're both gunna try harder to communicate and not shut each other out. I feel better already.

Course, that could be that he's not working this week so he's around to take the heat off me. Yeah, I'm betting thats it. Or the sex. Yeah, I betcha the sex keeps me calm, or at least distracted. Hehe I could learn to like this.

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