Sunday, September 12, 2004

Camping & Stuff

So, we took Cass camping again over Labor Day Weekend. It was an awesome trip. I think she ate more than I did!!! She's terrific in the kayak, just chilling out & taking it all in. We're very lucky. It was overcast when we got up on SUnday, so we ate a HUGE breakfast of bacon & eggs, then went back to bed. We awoke from our naps & ate a HUGE lunch then relazed around the fire for a while. After a quick paddle around the island, we returned only to eat yet again, this time it was Hawaiin chicken with mushroon & artichoke risotto & garden veggies. That night we had champagne & strawberries for dessert. We had strawberry pancakes for breakfast the next morning. MMmmmmmmm. I love camp food. We make it an art form. Oh yeah baby, we ate like kings. I promise that I'll get some pictures up soon!

I'm actually heading back out to Buffumville Island for a by myself overnight camp. Thats right, just me, myself & I. Blixx has never ever gone out overnight just by himself! I figure, we've got the island reserved for a few more days, it's only like 20 minutes from the house & damn it, I can do it! Blixx has been nervous & helpful, and resistant of me wanting to plan & get gear ready on my own. I explained to him how I wanted to be independent with this whole thing & he said he understood - then he went ahead & pulled out all the stuff (sleeping bag, tent) that I would need from the basement of horrors. I can't be mad at him, cuz he's just trying to help and make sure that I'll be taking everything I need.

So, I'm a little nervous about spending a night in the woods alone, but it also sounds like a little bit of heaven too. No crying babies, no telephone calls from my mom to interupt. I stashed a fire starter log on the island while we were all there, so I'll be sitting around a fire drinking wine into the night. I'm bringing kabobs for dinner & a quick bagel for breakfast. I got a Regatta Deli sandwich for lunch tomorrow, where I plan to paddle up the other side of the lake, past the public beach. It's been years since I've been up that way. I'm bringing a book & plan on reading more than 2 pages before being interupted.

This trip is my birthday present to myself. Ok, so was the new purse & the Patriots t-shirt, but who's counting? I'm now off to pay all this months bills so that I can hand over control of the finances until Friday. Blixx doesn't want me peeking on where he's spending $$ for my birthday. I really hope he was listening when I said what I wanted. The only thing better than getting exactly what you ask for is getting exactly what you want, without having to ask for it.

As far as the rest of this week, I'll be hanging with my mother one day so she can gift me & grab at the granddaughter. I'm heading down to Attleboro so I can visit with SherBear, who is hiding with her daughter in MA until the string of hurricanes pass over Florida. She was there for Charlie & it scared the shit out of her - she she's hiding out at her mom's house until Ivan goes away. No clue how we'll spend my actual birthday on Friday - probably go out for chinese cuz it's my favorite. Grip's daughter V has her birthday party on Saturday, so we'll be attending that fiesta.

So I don't forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PURGE!!!

In other news, did you hear about the guy who was shot by his dog? Check this link for poetic justice. Fuckers hurting defenceless animals make me sick.

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