Thursday, October 28, 2004

Halloween Costumes, plans etc

Tempest asked for a costume idea to be IM'd to her, then logged off. Silly girl! The easiest I can think of, which would work for the Stop & Shop trip she has planned, is that she go as a Cereal Killer - wear all black, attach those little boxes of cereal all over with little knives haging out of each. Fake blood optional. Another which could work would be to be a Buckanear - dress as a pirate, which she should still be able to do, then put a dollar bill on each ear with an earing. Get it?

Tonight we're heading to Holy Cross with Grips family. They let you trick or treat in the dorms and have a whole thing for the folks who are lucky enough to live in the neighborhood, which they do. She's still too young for traditional trick or treating so I figured this would be a nice alternative. Besides I'll be the one eating all the candy anyway. Or I'll regift. We shall see, depending on the haul. Cass is going to be a ballerina - her fat belly is gunna be so damn cute. I'll be sure to forward pictures. For actual Halloween we're staying home to hand out candy. I'm gunna go with being a which cuz it's easy. Insert jokes .

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