Monday, December 29, 2003

Christmas has come and gone with no major casualties. Woo Hoo!

We spent the morning together as a family, opening presents and hanging out. In the afternoon, we headed over to Grip's for a feast and more presents. There was drama there, as his dad left his second wife and was bringing the new "mommie" over...when the 1st wife HotdogLady was there too. A scene was avoided - disappointingly, and all was well. We watched Bruce Almighty (eh...good, but not great. Best scenes are in the commercials) then Grips came over to our place and we were up late drinking and carrying on.

Blixx's mom came over Friday for gift exchange and a meal. Rox and the kids couldn't make it, which was disapponting, but nice that we had a quiet visit. We drove to CT on Saturday to have Christmas with my mother and her Dick. We were supposed to stay over, but a mouse died in the walls upstairs and stink, stank, stunk the whole place up to high heaven. I admit it...I used the smell as an excuse to not stay. It was a nice visit & all, but I like sleeping in my own bed. Cass fell asleep on my mother, which she took as a sign that Cass does in fact love her. I couldn't bear to tell her that Cass sleeps on lots of people....let my mom think it was special. Wow, that was me being charitable to my mother. Wierd how having a kid changes the whole value of a family thing. Actually, it was kinda special in that Mom was relaxed enough that Cass was able to eat a big bottle then crash out.

Mom wanted to come up to MA yesterday to let Blixx & I go see LotR-RotK, since that was the original plan, but we decided to postpone it as we've been exhausted. About a week ago, Cass decided that she no longer could sleep thru the night, and that she needed to be held at regular intervals throughout the evening. Our pediatrician says that it's a 6 month old thing and that she's probably not starving to death at 3am, but rather is just trying to see what she can get. It's a brain development thing, or some such but it's got to stop!

Actually, she did sleep straight thru last night which was awesome, since I had to motivate early today to work. Yep, back at the radio station for the next few days, so you'll see me online. Drop me an IM or something. As much as I enjoy working here, it gets a little boring, especially in the afternoons.

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