Thursday, December 11, 2003

I'm still not working full time, although I continue to get part time work from Birdgirl at the radio station. She wants me to work the days between Christmas and New Years, which I will probably take just to get out of the house...and free stuff!

Cass is huge and has learned that when she cries, she gets picked up. We were in a store the other day and she started wailing out of the blue, to the point that I thought something had hit her or there was a problem. I unstrapped her from her chair and picked her up....and she started laughing and smiling at the nice old lady in the aisle. FAKER!!!

Today I'm paying some bills and cleaning the house for our holiday thingie this weekend. Tempest and Purge are coming on Sunday...can't wait to see them! Crap, I haven't gotten their Christmas gifts yet. Balls.

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