Thursday, April 22, 2004

Colorodo or bust! Blixx, that is...

Blixx leaves for Colorado tomorrow. We’re going to go out for an early dinner then drive him into Boston. Damn, I hate driving around Logan Airport, but it was the cheapest flight so I guess it’s worth the hassle. He's flying to Denver then renting a car and spending a day driving through the Rockies to meet up with his buddies in Durango. While there, they will climb a mountain, hike all over & kayak/camp on a river, probably the Colorado or Dolores, depending on weather. I mean, imagine floating a river during the day, then setting up camp and sleeping next to it. I’m so jealous of the experience! Then he and Toad will set out and drive the trip back, camping on the way and meeting up with Toad’s sister to kayak in Ohio for a few days. He’ll be gone until May 9th, which happens to be Mother’s Day, and god help him if he isn’t home before midnight. Not sure what I’ll do for that day, probably take my mother out to lunch or something. If I really wanted to push it, I could take Blixx’s mom out too, but I’m not that crazy I don’t think. Or I’ll just sit around and wait impatiently for his return. That sounds about right.

What will I be doing to amuse myself for 2 weeks, other than changing shitty diapers and chasing my little rugrat around? Well, we have a baby shower to go to on Saturday for Grips brother’s (bastard!!) baby. Sunday we’ll hang around the house, then Monday – Wednesday we’re heading up to NH to stay with my mother & her Dick at the timeshare they have. THAT will be a clusterfuck, since MK and her kids will be there too, but what the hell, right? Grandma will watch the kid and I can take a nice long drive / walk / whatever by myself. OOOOOh, I can bring Toad’s kayak (he won’t miss it, being in CO & all) and take a nice paddle one day. Excellent, I love it when a plan comes together.

The following weekend we’ve got a carnival thingie at Holy Cross College with Grips family, & I think I’m going to invite Tempest & Jacknife up for the one of those days. (If you’re reading this, wanna come up?) I’m also trying to get a chicks only kayak trip together with Birdgirl & Teacher, but I’ve got to find someone to watch Cass for the day, which is a problem I’m still working on.

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