Thursday, July 22, 2004

Freelance Personal Assistant

So, I got another job yesterday!  Yep, the GM here at the station hooked me up with a woman who is running an advertising business, Vision Advertising,  out of her home & needs help getting out from under paperwork hassles.  It's $10/hour under the table & I can make my own hours, probably like 10-12 per week, which is perfect!  She seems a little wingy but it's worth checking out. It's right here in Worcester so no commute which kicks butt. I've got to say, driving downtown Worcester to work has been awesome for me - no highway traffic hassles. After driving 495 to Taunton every day, it's a cake walk.  Woo Hoo!!!  I start the first week in August - wish me luck.
Just last week, it was looking like July was going to be a bleek month for Blixx & work, but that has changed. He's doing work with the Daily Show for the Democratic National Convention on Saturday & Sunday, then working the rest of the week at Northeastern University doing some nursing videos.  From 0 to 7 days of work just like that!  What stinks is that I93 is being shut down for the convention, during hot commute times so the traffic is going to be spectacular. He has to be in town at 7:30am M-F, which means he'll be leaving the house at like 5am!  No kidding - I'd bet it'll take him over 2 hours to make a 50 mile drive into Beantown.  Ridiculous traffic closings, parking nightmares...welcome democrats! 
Blixx is busy, but I'm going to scam some free tickets to the Celtic Music Festival in Sutton this weekend from the station. Sunday Grips is having a BBQ to celebrate his wife & daughter heading to Hershey for a long weekend.  I am apparently his stunt wife, & I'm supposed to take care of cleaning up the house, food prep etc.  He & I really need to talk about this, cuz as I tell him pretty regularly - I'm not your wife!  And, I don't clean.  I MAKE messes.  He does have a point in that he can't take care of himself, so I expect he'll be around for dinners on Mon & Tues after work, unless he chooses to live on frozen pizza at home.

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