Thursday, July 29, 2004

I had a date last night. With Blixx!!!

We recieved free passes to go to an advance showing of the movie Manchurian Candidate. As a supsise, he asked our friend Birdgirl to watch Cass & we went. He worked too late for us to go to dinner, but the new cinema sells Sparro pizza so it was all good. Actually, the pizza was really bad but it was nice to get out. We were so worried about our little one, but she was an absolute angel for her auntie.  Birdgirl had to go to an appointment for an hour or so, so Cass stayed with her sister Gin and played with her two huskies.  Apparently they all had a great time.  Cass slept thru the night, so she must have had a bunch of fun!  Blixx & I even went out for a beer after the movie.  We were going to go parking, but Blixx had concerns about my fertility in his Jeep, as Cass is a product of us fooling around after a movie.  Ahh, memories!

Tonight I have a playdate with Callista & her son Josh, then we're going to go to a jazz concert in the park.  We'll probably meet Red & V there as well.  My mom is coming up either tomorrow or Saturday to see Cass.  Blixx is playing paintball & shooting video of it for a pilot show a friend is trying to put together. It's kinda like he's working, except he gets to run around with guns. Rough life.  We are supposed to see his Mom on Sunday to celebrate her birthday, so we'll see. 

Monday I'm starting my new assistant job, then Sherbear & FedExMan are up from Florida and coming over for dinner. No clue what we're having, as they are both picky eaters & allergic to tons of stuff. Crapass.  But they are bringing their daughter H, who I haven't seen since she was 6 months old.  I can't wait to give Sher a big hug! I miss her terribly, as my cell bill can attest.  I've got to get my car in for an oil change - 3000 miles already - and get a hair cut. Doesn't sound like much, but with a kid it means schedule rangling up the wazzoo.

Speaking of wazzoo, I can smell my daughter all the way downstairs, which means whatever funky dinner she ate with Birdgirl has been processed and it awaiting my removal. Ahh, the joys of having a little one. Must go put on my HazMat suit and get into it.

Have a lovely weekend and I'll try to be back soon.

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