Sunday, May 16, 2004

Quiet Waters run deep

Rather than keep being mad at Blixx without him having a clue why, I decided to ask for what I wanted, which was a day off. I was mad that he didn't offer, but rather than sit around & be pissed I asked him to take Cass off for the day or whatever, & I took off. It was totally the right decision - he got a clue what was going on in my head & I got what I wanted, which was OUT.

I borrowed Teacher's kayak & headed off to Rutland State Park for a few hours of fun in the sun. It was heavenly. While loading the boat in the AM it was raining and I almost scrapped the whole idea, but I decided that I wouldn't have a chance to take off on my own for a while & to go for it. I actually felt guilty for not staying home & cleaning/laundry/whatever that needed doing...screw that! MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME time. I always forget that it's ok to pamper myself every now & again.

Boy, did I need that. It was so peaceful on the water...birds chirping, turtles sunning themselves everywhere, fish all over the place. I needed to be alone with no one to worry about except myself. Even the voices in my head quieted down so I could relax.

Ok, so I got a sunburn & my arms are killing me from paddling to hard, & so I scratched my new car getting the boat loaded. It was still worth it.

On Saturday Cass went out in the canoe with us for the first time and was awesome. She didn't fuss, except when we put sun lotion on her. Other than that, she just layed back in my arms and took it all in stride. She's so wonderful to travel with. We went to Buffumville Lake & paddled out to an island to have a picnic lunch. It was a wonderful day. She even took a nap in the sun on the paddle back to the dock. We topped it off by playing miniature golf. The only thing that could have made it perfect would have been to get icecream, but it was already late so we had to go home.

Don't think I haven't been pondering Tempest & Jacknife's cruise. Oh yes, I am green with envy. I shoulda said FIT and bought a ticket. Damn it, I'm a dumbass. Seriously, I just wish we could have swung me being able to go. But, Blixx is working all week & that is a very good thing for us. Unfortunately, that leaves me on FT Cass duty, & it means that I can't go out this Tuesday night, cuz he'll be working late.

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