Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Stand Down

I've definately chilled out since Blixx has come home, and that is awesome news. Looking back, I was really off the deep end there for a while. Thanks to those who listened.

I'm fine as long as I'm not in my own head poking around, looking for trouble. I am the queen of overanalyzing and obsessing. Give me something little and I'll tear it apart until I turn it all around. Give me something big and damn, hold on to your hat. It's all I can do to function some days, with all the screaming and panic going on in my head. Seriously, there's a lot going on.

But, our communication has been better since he's been home & we've managed some quality time that I will remember for a while, so it's all good there.

I'm just a wacko.

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