Wednesday, July 17, 2002

TV Programming for Cats. Cleo & Koya have obviosly been Neilson raters for some time.

After the craze of work yesterday, I bustled myself off to Toads house to meet the boys. There, we geared up (or rather I did, while they impatiently waited in the car) and headed to Whitehall Reservoir for an evening paddle. The magnificent sunset reflecting on the water reminded me how small we really are, and thus are petty problems are smaller still. The scale of the clouds and the reflection of the golds and blues on the water during sunset was breathtaking. Later, the moonlight reflecting on the waves sent shimmers across the boats and was quite hypnotic. Oh, what a wonderful way to end a day. On the paddle back to the launch, someone was shooting off fireworks. Yeah man! Love those fireworks! We didn't get off the water until almost 10pm, so I guess I've gotten over my fear of being out in the boats past dark. I still get a little edgy, but the sunsets and star light are SO worth a little anxiety attack. Besides, I've got the two best guides with me that I know. After the paddle we went to JJ O'Rourkes and I had the BEST prime rib au juis sandwich in the world. I gobbled the whole thing, lathering it with horseradish sause...between that and the beers, I was a bloated mess by the time I finally got home. Pepcid and it was right to bed.

All of you need to experience the wonder of nature from the water. We've got a canoe now so whenever you all want to head on up and check out some sites, let me know and I'll take you out for a spin. I was talking with Purge & Tempest about vacation plans and I'd love it if they came up and we tooled around for the day. Or, there's always whitewater rafting. The Deerfield River is close by and I can get us a discount - probably.

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