Wednesday, June 05, 2002

I just haven't had a lot to say lately. Actually, that's not true. I've had plenty of bitching and whining, but nothing constructive. Money is the root of all evil...I just wish I could dig some more up. The house hunt continues and I can't help feeling like we're going to have to 'settle.' What we can easily afford is a shitbox or a nice/older house only 900 miles away from any sort of civilization. It's frustrating and it's really getting me down. Then there's this while budget thing. I've got nothing but change in my wallet right now and it's going to stay that way until some checks come in. They are out there...waiting. Worse case is that we're essentially broke until I get paid on the 15th. Well, not broke. We have a money market and another savings account to dip in to, but we're really trying to play by our rules. Damn the rules! Crapass, we made the rules.

Then there's the work thing. I've been doing two jobs for 2 different departments, and I want to have formal reviews for both so that when raises do come around, I'll get compensated fairly for them both. I should say, IF raises come around. I haven't gotten a raise since July of last year, and that was only 3%, as I hadn't worked for the company for a year at that point. Rumor has it that TMP, our parent company, isn't doing review/raise until November! They could just as easily say the same for us. My manager for telesales is all about the review process. In fact, he's up my ass about it. I've been pulling teeth for weeks in Finance & only finally got a response - a 'tentative' meeting on Friday morning. I've been advised to not hold my breath.

Absolutely ridiculous and I'd leave if I could find another job. I know the job market sucks right now, some of you all can attest to that first hand, but I SO want to just throw in the towel and walk out. All kinds of shit work that I'm so much better than! I deserve better!

There's that whining again. Sorry.

I'm out of shape (sounds better than when I say I'm fat, right?) and should really actually get up off my ass and do something, rather than the nothing that I'm so fond of. Blixx & I are going away in July and he wants to go camping in NH. There's this spot that he calls split rock that is really wonderful spot to get lost in the woods. I remember it from the hike we did last year up Mt Madison. I also remember heaving and coughing and having jelly legs when we got there, so I have concerns that I won't be able to keep up. It will be just to two of us, so I won't be really embarrassed - that's a lie. I really will be embarrassed if I can't make it or have convulsions all the way up the mountain. Is it good exercise? Sure, it fits in to the whole get off my ass thing. Do I want to spend my vacation hiking from one mountain to another & peeing in the woods? I'm not so sure. He wants to go for the whole week. I'm thinking 2 nights is my max, maybe 3. He wants to either stay the last night at a cozy B&B that has a hot tub. Being frugal, we might just come home and go to the local place here in MA that rents by the hour.

Or maybe we'll just sit around our little shitty apartment & dream about a better life while eating bonbons and watching Star Trek re-runs.

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