Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Birdgirl brought our kitten to be over last night for a visit. He's the cutest little thing ever. Orange all over, except for his four paws and a bit on his nose and belly. Cleo & Koya were non too excited to meet him, but there were no bloodly battles so I count that as a good sign. Ok, so we watched them like a hawk and yelled when the hissing escalated. Cleo looks like she wants some BBQ sause before she eats the little guy. We left Blixx and the kitten to get aquanted while we went out to Vincent's for a couple of drinks. Someone had math jokes. Math isn't funny, no matter how many drinks you drink. It just isn't.

Buffy was good. Not great, but good. Willow is back so everything should be moving forward from this point on.

Tonight is the series premier of Birds of Prey on the WB at 9pm. Be aware that the show will run long - 70 minutes I hear. It's a mutation of the DC comics universe, but I'll be happy to check it out if it's any good.

Kitten me out here. Blixx likes Perrin (from Robert Jordan Eye of the World series), and I do too. I also like Doyle, Merlot (Merl for short), Loki, & Moxie. E-mail me if you have any other suggestions.

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