Tempest – very sorry to hear that GrandpaK is in hospice. I hope the prognosis changes. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.
"I mean, if we had a mortgage payment to make right now, I'd be scared" <--I had nightmares last night because Blixx said this last night after writing a big fat check to the IRS for 2001 self-employment taxes. F*cking nightmares! I went to sleep stressing about our money situation and was thinking about it first thing when I got up. I’m obsessing & this isn’t a positive thing at all. This rant has been sponsored by Lack of Sleep and Bad Attitude. Pick some up today!
When the savings account came up, I decided not to continue the 'discussion' based on my horrid mood & PMSing - anything I said would come out "Die! Die! Die!" We've set an appointment with each other for over the weekend to discuss budget plans. I'm dreading this. Blixx & I don't fight usually, but this might be an exception.
Blixx went out for some beers with Grips last night & I was so happy to see him go. I was borderline psychotic when I got home then all the money talk just pushed me over the edge. It would have been ugly. I’m still upset right now & would love to get the hell out of here since I can’t seem to concentrate on work, but then I’d have to go home & see him & talk to him. Yelling or crying, which one do you prefer?
In any team or partnership, each person brings certain skills and assets to the table. The key to being successful is to all be working toward the same end and be willing to do whatever it takes to get there. You both have to take initiative & responsibility to make things happen. You both have to start with a clear destination in mind to understand where you are now, where you’re going and what you value most – goal setting. You have to put first things first and organize around these priorities – what is most important to you and the team? Success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others – life is a cooperative so work together. Listen to what other people have to say & value different opinions. Enhance yourself. This has been rampant paraphrasing from the Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, which is on my fridge and posted here at work.
What are my goals for 2002?: I want a house ASAP - I'm sick of our tiny ass apartment and we're throwing money away paying rent, when we could be getting tax breaks owning a home. This is my #1 Priority right now. Other financial goals: I want a new (to me) car by the end of the year. I'd like to be able to fly down to visit SherBear & FedExMan for a long weekend, maybe check out the parks I missed last trip. I would like to I would like to take a cruise/tropical vacation to celebrate our wedding anniversary in December. I want to get a better paying, less stressful job.
What am I doing to attain those goals?: I'm suffering doing the work of two people in order to gain recognition and an increased salary when they are released in June. I am seeking other employment opportunities here at work, which would increase my pay by roughly 25%. I search the Internet for alternate job opportunities at least twice a day. I forward my resume to only those jobs which would be upward mobility for me and I follow up with e-mails and phone calls to ‘check in.’
Tempest, funny story about a fired employee: We had a dude here who’d worked for the company for years and years. Sarcastic SOB, he’d been in trouble for being late & mouthing off inappropriately in the past, but no huge deal. Well, the dumb ass was on AOL IM with a buddy & went to send him a link. Unfortunately, he was also in an e-mail to some big wigs in our company & accidentally put the link into the e-mail that went out. It was a link to something regarding a big purple dildo and farm animals and the comment “What do EWE want to do this weekend?” I didn’t see it myself, but this story is legend around here. In any case, he’s hauled into the manager’s office and out he goes. He starts screaming that he didn’t mean it, why is he being made an example of, this is BS…he made a spectacle of himself. He’s escorted out of the building. Several days later, his manager goes to clean out his cube area for the next victim. Item’s left behind included several pornographic magazines & a drawer filled with muffin/bagel parts & what appeared to be cheese cubes (really gross old food) circa 1997. The best discovery was that he’d had a HUGE screwdriver taped to the underside of his desk. Weeks later, another employee bumped into him (drunk & smelly at some dive bar) & HAD to ask: “Ya gotta protect yourself.” I guess it beats bleach or drain cleaner in the eyes.
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